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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Best & Worse Weight Loss Diets

If you’ve ever struggled with losing weight or keeping it off, you’re not alone.

Or maybe you’re like me who battle to lose those last irritating few kilos that clench on like the grip of a bull dog – threatening never to let go. It can be so frustrating! You know the annoying ones that make it hard to zip up your jeans or that unsightly muffin top – given the guilt free colloquial “love handles”! Who’s kidding who?

I know, I know. It began with the lead up to the holiday season with the office party then socialising with family and friends. (And even people who weren’t your friends.) Champagne flowed like water, chocolate was devoured by the boxes and other irresistible treats were greedily gulped down. Let me tell you, I’m so grateful to the person who invented elastic waistbands.

While there’s something to be said for being happy with one’s body image, it can’t change the fact that being overweight can lead to a number of health problems.

It's clear that those battling the bulge will stop at nothing to get slender. In a fast world where we desire everything now, we want that muffin top –aka love handles to vanish miraculously in a click of the fingers.

Extreme Fad Diets

Many extreme fad diets like the cabbage soup diet or detox diets proclaim to be a miracle quick fix but are incredibly dangerous, recently landing famous movie star Gwyneth Paltrow in hospital.

Depriving the body long enough without food, essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals can cause a lot of damage to your health.

So what to do my friends? The answer is simple.

The Protein Shake Buzz

Okay, some may say we should have had enough will power in the beginning to not indulge. But were only human! And self control is something I still am working on.

You know doubt have heard a lot of buzz surrounding protein shakes as meal replacements in the past few years with fitness models and celebrities like beautiful Jennifer Garner jumping on the bandwagon. Well I’ve hopped on too with great results.

Recently I learned that when women increase their protein intake they lose weight because their metabolism begins to burn fat. This is called Ketosis. Studies have shown that eating a high-protein meal raises metabolic rate by 25 per cent.
Protein contained in shakes is believed to be easier for women to digest than the protein contained in food.

Benefits of Protein Shakes

Here are some other benefits of Protein Shakes:
• Protein shakes usually contain a high percentage of the nutrients which boost your immune system
• Protein generates healthy hair, skin and nails as well as creates hormones and vital enzymes
• Losing weight with protein shakes is very simple, because you can control how many calories you eat
• Great for Vegetarians who often lack protein in their diet
• Quick & Easy

That’s a lot of benefits, don’t you agree? And since I’ve hopped on the bandwagon of Protein Shake phenomena, I’ve jiggled off 2kg in 3 weeks!

But before you rush out to the shop to get your container of fat buster, here are some important things to know.

Not all Protein Shakes are good shakes!

The Good, Bad & Ugly

Many protein shakes are good but some are downright bad & ugly. Many contain a concoction of artificial sugars, chemicals, colours and flavours that would do more harm than good.

Because I’m intolerant to wheat, gluten, insoluble fibre, lactose and allergic to artificial sugar (which actually do ugly unspeakable things to me which remains my secret), I’ve found a Protein Shake without these ingredients and it tastes delicious! It comes in 2 flavours, vanilla & chocolate which is the popular for chocoholics.

They are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, energy enhancers and ginseng to help reduce stress.

The Protein Shakes are also Vegan and Kosher and contains:

• No gluten
• No Lactose
• No animal products
• No artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners
• No cholesterol, saturated fats or trans fats

This Protein Shake ticks all the boxes for me! I’m really excited about it! They help avoid hunger pangs without any unhealthy ingredients.

Oh, one secret I will share. I put a scoop of fibre supplement in my protein shake which keeps me full and contented till lunchtime, among other things which a “real lady” shouldn’t talk about in public.

I will though keep you informed with my weight loss and yummy some recipes.
If you want me to contact me, I’m here to help. e_smart@bigpond.net.au

Till next time,
Jennifer Steenland

Form information on the Protein Shakes, go to

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Have Youthful Skin

6 Proven Secrets To Youthful Skin

Looking for beauty and skin care tips to look youthful and glowing?
Simple. The secret is just a 6 basic steps and using the right products.

Many people spend a fortune on skin care that claim to do miracles but don’t work. That’s because a lot of skin care products contain so little of the beneficial ingredients in the so called magic potions that it’s impossible to create results.

Also most skin care products contain animal products or animal by-products which can clog the pores and cause allergic reactions.

Our skin is the largest function body organ and absorbs everything we put on it within 26 seconds. Therefore it is important to not put any nasties on our skin and to use only pure, safe and beneficial products.

So using good quality skin care products follow these 6 basic steps on your face and notice amazing results:

1. Cleansing

Cleansing morning and night is one of the most important steps you need to do to have healthy skin. Not only will a cleanser remove make-up or dirt, but it will help remove dead cells that dull the appearance of the skin.

Never ever use soap. It is really bad for your skin as it strips protective acid mantle which can cause dryness and skin problems.

It’s essential to choose a good quality cleanser that doesn’t removes the natural oils from your skin. A high-class cleanser will not contain mineral oil or other chemicals which can dry the skin, block pores, and cause blemishes.

2. Toning

A toner restores the balance of the Ph of your skin after cleansing. It also firms and tones the skins surface. Select a toner that doesn’t contain alcohol as it dries the skin and can be an irritant.

3. Moisturize

The third step is to moisturize your skin to reduce dryness and the appearance of fine lines. During the day use a cream that includes a sunscreen for protection from the sun’s damaging effects and the environment. Don’t forget your neck and décolletage as well.

In the evening apply a night cream to nourish your skin while sleeping. Remember to choose a moisturizer that doesn’t contain animal products or by-products. You don’t want to be feeding your skin and body nasty stuff.

4. Facial Scrub

As we get older our skin doesn’t look as fresh as a younger person. One reason is because the skin's natural process of shedding dead cells slows down. Therefore by exfoliating twice a week we assist the process along. The exposed new skin can then readily absorb moisture and nourishment and skin looks fresher and rejuvenated. Another benefit of removing dead skin is that reduces pores from clogging which causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

5. Facial Masque

Apply a masque at least once a week for a deep cleanse. It draws out impurities, aids in shrinking large pores and gets rid of blackheads.

6. Anti-Ageing Serums

As we age the skin needs extra help to reduce wrinkles and the effects of gravity.

A way to recharge and repair skin cells is to give it a boost with serum based products. Science has discovered key ingredients than can activate healthy skin cells and improves the appearance of the skin. Some anti-aging products also address the after effects of the sun and ageing.

Follow these 6 basic steps skin care tips and your skin will look youthful and glowing in no time. Friends will want to know your secret. Share it with them if you care.

Visit my website for a list of safe, beneficial skin care products.
